Shining Performance by Kathryn Sloat

Kathryn Sloat’s harp concert was pure delight. Her program had the theme “Moon and Stars” and was performed outdoors on the lawn of Weatherwatch Farm on a lovely summer solstice evening. It was an adventurous program, challenging and bold, and Kate met its demands with exquisite playing, power, and panache. All the works she chose were composed during the 20th and 21st centuries – some within the most recent decades. Tournier’s “Clair de lune sur l’étang du parc,” Britten’s “Nocturne,” Salzedo’s “Chanson dans la nuit,” Debussy’s “Clair de lune,” Mancini’s “Moon River,” Ruby Aspinall’s Night Dances, Salazar’s “I See Stars in Your Eyes,” and Caroline Lizotte’s Suite Galactique were among the works we heard. The weather cooperated magnificently and we had a fine turnout just shy of 100 – an auspicious beginning for the new concert series! 

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